Friday, May 25, 2012

Growing Power

This was how I started my day:

I might add that this was just the appetizer.

THIS was the main meal. Smoked salmon benedict with a side of cinnamon roll. Ann Sather's, a Swedish joint a few blocks from Brandt's place, knows how to do breakfast! I'm still smacking my lips.

There's Brandt. He's off to work for the day. Hipster urbanite he is.

After parting ways and gorging ourselves silly, we waddled back to the car. It looks nice parked there on that pretty Chicago neighborhood street, doesn't it?

Off we zoomed to Milwaukee. We had spent a slow, lazy morning...maybe too slow. We were trying to make it to Milwaukee for a farm tour at Growing Power. Yes, I do realize we are the only couple I know to visit a city and insist on seeing a farm. It's in my blood. Why fight it?

Growing Power. Is. Extraordinary. Started by Will Allen (former NBA basketball player) in 1993. He saw the need for accessible, local produce in a low-income area of Milwaukee, took over a vacant garden center, and created a mecca of urban agricultural brilliance. They are a think- and do- tank; innovative in their approach to sustainable agriculture, a community neighbor in their employment philosophy, and philanthropic in their approach to teaching others. My words don't do it justice. Check out to learn more. If any of you are ever in Milwaukee, it's worth the visit.

This is Ryan. He was our amazing tour guide. Two hours later, Phill and I came away most inspired and now thinking we want to add aquaponics to our ever-growing list of farming techniques. I could go on and on. Just check out the website.

After spending the afternoon on the farm, there was only one thing left to do. Eat and drink. Are you catching on to how much Phill and I love to eat? We must be locavores. In my opinion, there's nothing better than checking out a new place than through their food. Tour guide Ryan suggested The Swinging Door downtown, as they support local farmers, including Growing Power.

Spiced pierogies, marinated beet salad with goat cheese, avocado bacon melt, vermouth carrots, and the best wheat beer we've had yet. It was called Spotted Cow by New Glarus Brewing Company. If you're in Milwaukee, definitely check this place out. I didn't want to stop eating. Really. We stayed an extra half hour just so I could make sure to finish everything on my plate. For those of you who know me, this is a very rare occasion.

After waddling yet again from the restaurant, we decided to check in at the hotel.

Not realizing the little surprise Phill had planned earlier in the day when he booked it, I did not know the significance of where we were staying.

Until I walked into the lobby.

And then saw the view from our room.

My very sweet husband spoils me rotten. This I know.

Among the many very interesting facts and history of this place, the two that resonated most: at the turn of the century, the hotel boasted air-conditioned rooms (a rare amenity at the time), and this hotel has the largest collection of Victorian art in the world. We spent last evening just perusing the halls to look at all the art, then went for a nighttime drive to tour the city. What a beautiful, clean and culturally dense area. We were impressed with the many various neighborhoods, and the defined "feel" to each one. Someday, I'd like to spend more time here.

I fell asleep feeling like a queen.

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